Norway - Sognefjord

We left Bergen in a really bad weather and didn’t do much road neither that or the next day. But we slowly reached Sognefjord - the biggest fjord in Norway (and if we don’t count those that are covered by ice, the biggest fjord in the world). It stretches 205 km inland from the ocean, and reaches the depth of more than 1000 m. We slowly followed its northern side, although the views were sometimes obstructed by low clouds and, well, rain. When it started to get dark, we stopped in a sleepy town of Balestrand.

Our sleeping spot after Bergen

Salmon farms seen on the way

Antoine on the beach in Balestrand - we saw locals swimming just before

Lonely ferry on the vast fjord - 90 km away from the open ocean


Antoine and King Bele

One of the advantages of travelling in off-season is that lot of things are free. In Balestrand, friendly guy in a supermarket gave us the code to the showers and washing machines, located in the small port. We spent the night at the parking of the school (it was Friday, so the school was closed the next day).

Sleeping spot on the school parking

The school has a great view!

Antoine enjoys his morning coffee with a view

Next to the school, we came across an interesting path that follows to the top of the mountain above the town. As the weather was nice, we decided to follow it, and it was a great find - it had amazing views over Balestrand, the fjord and the surrounding mountains.

View from the way up

Ferries everywhere - this one we will take later

At this point, we put our names in a "guest book" attached behind the map

The clouds lingered on the mountain tops

Antoine in the autumn mood

U-valley nearby

So, the snow starts at 700 meters asl

Slavic squat at the top of the world

On the way down, we came upon an Instagram-like hut called Balabu, created by architecture students from Bergen. It’s equipped in stove, wood, blankets and books - everything you need if you get stuck in the mountains for some reasons.



Another random waterfall just next to the road